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How to get your first Real Estate Investment in 8-15 weeks, using "Remote" Property Leveraging

Become one of our successful students in the

Real Estate Coaching Program

Transform into an INDEPENDANT REAL-ESTATE ENTREPRENEUR with this VIP 6-month Personal Training to help you get started as an entrepreneur and close your first independent real estate deal in the USA, from anywhere in the world, with real estate coaching from Meirav Kadichevski and mentality coaching from David Bederman.

Meirav has already helped her students generate up to $45,000 profit on their first deal within just a few months, and $100,000 within a year.


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Want Meirav and David's help to find your first real estate deal within weeks?
Click the button and book a call to learn more


Bought her first property within 4 months and created a portfolio of properties worth $500,000, with $5000 in Monthly Rental Income, all within 12 Months of Joining the PLING Accelerator Program.


Feel like you're ready to take the leap?

Introducing the PLING Accelerator:
Your Path to Profits

In just a few months, the PLING program, created by property leveraging expert Meirav Kadichevski and personality expert David Bederman, can get you generating cash flow from real estate...without any prior experience.

Unlike theory-based college studies, the PLING Accelerator Program is an action-based training where you actually work on live, profit making real estate deals.


You'll be guided step-by-step on:

  • Finding real estate deals while minimizing risk and maximizing returns

  • Analyzing profit potential with Meirav's easy to understand formulas

  • Building and managing your own team of local experts

  • Purchasing properties with little-to-no personal capital

  • Implementing Meirav's renovate-to-rent and flip systems


  • The mindset tools that will help you overcome your inner setbacks

  • How to set goals and create the right relationships

  • And more!


With expert guidance from Meirav, David and the team, which includes video content as well as live weekly personal coaching sessions, you'll learn how to strategically invest money to buy real estate assets that grow your wealth exponentially.

Just one real estate deal can generate more profits than an entire year of working a conventional job. And as the size of your deals grow, you'll be able to make profits exceeding several jobs put together.

Real Estate has long been one of the most powerful, proven, and stable paths to creating generational wealth when done correctly.

So forget endlessly trading your precious time for a limited income. Get on the fast-track to stabilizing your income, creating cash flow and generational wealth through property leveraging.

Now listen closely because many people feel that they need to wait for the right time to start or for the right conditions, but that is actually a costly mistake. Waiting for the right moment or for the perfect conditions will not get you to the results you are dreaming of, it will keep you where you are now.

So if you understand that the perfect time to get into real estate is yesterday, simply click the link below, fill out the application, and Meirav's team will be in touch if you're a fit for this program.

Chan Kwan:

Bought her first property within 3 months of enrolling in PLING, renovated, sold it, and walked away with $45,000 in Profit. Then went on to her next property, on which she made a profit of $60,000, and has started working on her third one, all within a year and without any of her own money.

"I really like developing a career that is not limited by location, it makes me feel more secure. Now the world is limitless and that's what I am most excited about.
The program is laid out in a very detailed manner, you just need to follow it step by step and do the homework and success will be yours. After my first deal I felt comfortable to go on to do the next ones because I knew what to do. Without this course I would have not seen all the possibilities that I see now, but it put me on the path of growth. I feel very grateful that I have found something that I enjoy doing and also brings me income. My husband and daughter are very happy for me. I wish I knew this 10 years ago!"

Who are we?

​Meirav Kadichevski is the co-founder & CEO of PLING International. She’s helped men and women around the world quit their day jobs and create financial freedom & independence, using her unique strategies of Property Leveraging.

David Bederman is the co-founder & COO of PLING International. He’s a behavior expert who has helped helped hundreds of people from over 17 countries achieve major life-breakthroughs in short amounts of time, through the principles of his Personality Code system.

The System to Becoming Financially Free and Living an Unlimited Life

Want Meirav and David's help to find your first real estate deal within weeks?
Click the button and book a call to learn more

Joined PLING with a lot of fear, but jumped into the water, bought her first property and has just finished renovating it as we speak, all remotely from a far away country and in the comfort of her own home - while having a great time!

(Want to be next?)

What you'll learn in the PLING Accelerator Program:

  • How Do We Make Money With Property Leveraging?

  • Creating your New Empowered Identity

  • Re-Discovering Where you ARE, so you can move into where you want to BE. 

  • The Three Ingredients: Properties, Money, People

  • Creating Your Millionaire Roadmap with Advanced Goal Setting Techniques

  • The 4 Basic Mental Shifts to Becoming a Great Entrepreneur

  • Getting To Know Your New Investment Area &  Analyzing Your First Properties

  • Deal Hunting & Finding Motivated Sellers

  • Basic Deal Analysis

  • Overcoming Self-Sabotage, Eliminating Identifying Unconscious Beliefs & How To End Procrastination and 10x Your Productivity

  • Advanced Deal Analysis & Maximizing Profits 

  • Calculating your Maximum Allowable Offer

  • Navigating Market Conditions

  • Building a Winning Team &  Leveraging the Power of Great People

  • Mastering the Art of Making Calls and Sending Out Offers

  • Understanding Preliminary Negotiations by Understanding Peoples’ Needs

  • Building Your "Money List" Of Buyers And Investors

  • Understanding your Responsibility and Power as an Entrepreneur

  • How to properly Inspect a Property Before Buying It

  • Deal And Financing Strategies

  • Loan Terminology

  • Understanding The Power Of Financing For Your Deals

  • Recruiting Private Investors

  • Taxes And Legal Agreements

  • Insurance - Protecting Assets And Minimizing Liability

  • Having a “Yes, You Can!” Attitude

  • Using Neuro Linguistic Programing Tools And Taking Control Of Your Self Talk

  • Finding A Good Management Company

  • Choosing The Right Tenants

  • Planning Profitable Renovations

  • Identifying And Hiring Contractors And Other Professionals For Large-Scale Renovations

  • Managing The Renovation Process and Ensuring Quality Work

  • Foundations Of Marketing

(Want to be next?)

Started her real estate journey together with her two children!

"The course opened my mind to the possibilities and to how to check things.
Before I looked for properties but didn't really know and was afraid, and now I feel more comfortable because I know what to do. It makes you feel better about your decisions, it makes you feel safe with other people's money, especially when it's my kid's money. Now my son bought a property and I bought one with my daughter. I wanted them to also know the market and enjoy the process. Don't wait, just do it!"

The Smarter Way to Build Wealth -

Go Beyond the Academy/Job Trap!

You were taught that getting a university degree is the way to career success and financial stability. But even with a high-paying professional job or being a highly-skilled freelancer, you're still fundamentally trading your limited and precious time for money.

There are only so many hours in a day you can work. No matter how high your hourly rate, there is an absolute ceiling to how much you can earn through active labor alone.

Not only that, but at what cost?

The Average American Now Pays:

  • $19,230 per year for community college

  • $27,940 per year for in-state public university

  • $45,240 per year for out-of-state public university

  • $57,570 per year for private university

After 4 years, that's up to $230,280 spent on a bachelor's degree alone. And that's before accounting for interest if you need student loans!


And if you're in Israel, The Average Cost for an Israeli Student:

  • ₪10,259 per year for a Bachelor's at a public university (and you need 3-4 years)

  • ₪13,863 per year for a Master's at a public university (and you need 2 years)

  • ₪25,000 - ₪100,000 per year at private colleges

After 3 years for a Bachelor's plus 2 more years for a Master's, that's up to ₪148,490 just for tuition fees alone! 

And what happens after that? Well, you have to get an internship  or start at minimum wage, selling your precious time just to pay your bills, and working hard to climb up the salary ladder, if that's even an option in your chosen profession.

Wouldn't you rather invest a fraction of that money and start generating passive income and building real wealth right away??

What if I told you there's a smarter approach that allows you to generate multiplicative wealth, that can lead you to being free from work = money?

Seem like a no brainer?

Well it is!

Meirav led by example. Whenever I faced a setback, she was there to remind me that it is just part of the process.

Meirav instilled a confidence in me that I could achieve things I never dreamed of.

More than anything, Meirav made me feel like I had a mentor fully invested in my growth and cheering me on every step of the way. Her passion for helping others create wealth and freedom through property leveraging is contagious.



One of the first things that struck me about Meirav was her sheer authenticity. In an industry with no shortage of gurus and empty promises, Meirav's genuine desire to empower others through education and mentorship shone through from day one.

What makes her a brilliant coach is that she doesn't just show you tactics - she works to instill a comprehensive entrepreneurial mindset for sustainable success.

Meirav helped me reframe my perspective on uncertainty, discomfort and failure into catalysts for growth. Her teachings were deeply transformational.

Meirav is a wonderfully gifted and passionate mentor who lights an inspiring path for her students to follow. I feel incredibly fortunate to have had the opportunity to learn from her.

Any revenue figures mentioned are based on our own investments or some of our top students. It's important to remember that these results aren't the norm and I’m not suggesting you'll get the same or any results. I've been doing this for 8+ years and have an established track record, but most people don't have the same success when they first start out. We’re using these examples as a way to show what's possible. Your own success in real estate investing will depend on a lot of factors, like your knowledge, experience, and how much effort you're willing to put in. Every business has risks and requires consistent effort and action to be successful. If you are not willing to accept these risks, please DO NOT attempt to work with us.

© 2024 by mëik

2246 Lake Ave, Wilmette, IL 60091 USA

Levi Eshkol 4/2, Tel Aviv 6936511, Israel

Disclaimer – Be an intelligent human and make responsible choices. There are zero guarantees in life. Read our Terms of ServicePrivacy Policy and Earnings Disclaimer before you make any financial or investment decisions.

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