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Which of the following best describes your OCCUPATIONAL situation?
I have a JOB
I am happily RETIRED
I am an ENTREPRENEUR and own my own Business/es
Are you happy with what you do or are you looking to make a change?
I am HAPPY with what I do
I feel like I'm ready for a CHANGE
Feeling kind of stuck...
Which of the following best describes your current financial situation?
Money is a constant source of STRESS - I don"t have any funds or credit to leverage, but I have time to invest and a strong will to WORK HARD
I have a good paying steady income, and some money that I have saved up and would like to invest ($10,000 - $100,000)
I have at least $100,000 that I am looking to invest in new opportunities, though I am not currently liquid, but I do have ASSETS of GOOD CREDIT that I can leverage
I have PLENTY of FUNDS currently available that I am ready to invest in new opportunities ($100,000 or more)
I am an ACREDITED INVESTOR looking for my next investment OPPORTUNITIES
How good do you feel you are at controlling your finances and financial situation?
I'm like an OSTRICH - I have my head in the sand and would rather IGNORE it completely
I'm pretty much AWARE of my situation, though I tend to spend more than I should I and PROCRASTINATE organizing my numbers
I am totally in CONTROL, on a daily basis, and have a very clear WEALTH BUILDING STRATEGY
Are you the main decision maker when it comes to your finances, or is there someone else making the decisions with you / for you?
I am the financial decision maker
There is someone else making financial decisions together with me
There is someone else making financial decisions for me
How do you tend to make decisions?
I tend to make decisions based on EMOTIONS and INTUITION
I tend to make decisions based on clear FACTS and FIGURES
Which of the following best describes your experience with Real Estate?
I have no experience in Real Estate investing
I have experience as a passive Investor
I have experience as a Real Estate Entrpreneur
What do you think about investing in Real Estate that's in a country you don't live in?
Sounds good
I don't trust it if it's not near me
Would you rather be a passive Investor or an active one?
Don't know what that means
How soon do you want to start building wealth with Property Leveraging?
RIGHT NOW - I want to get started immediately
Within 45-90 days - I have other things I need to attend to first
More than 90 days - I want to do this eventually but not sure when

The PLING Accelerator Program is accepting a limited number of applicants for the coming session. Fill out this form and if you are a good fit for the program then we will be in touch with you shortly.

Here we go!

Who are we?

David Bederman is the co-founder & COO of PLING International. He’s a behavior expert who has helped helped hundreds of people from over 17 countries achieve major life-breakthroughs in short amounts of time, through the principles of his Personality Code system.

​Meirav Kadichevski is the co-founder & CEO of PLING International as well as Mëik International Real Estate. She’s helped men and women around the world quit their day jobs and create financial freedom & independence, using her unique strategies of Property Leveraging.

Any revenue figures mentioned are based on our own investments or some of our top students. It's important to remember that these results aren't the norm and I’m not suggesting you'll get the same or any results. I've been doing this for 8+ years and have an established track record, but most people don't have the same success when they first start out. We’re using these examples as a way to show what's possible. Your own success in real estate investing will depend on a lot of factors, like your knowledge, experience, and how much effort you're willing to put in. Every business has risks and requires consistent effort and action to be successful. If you are not willing to accept these risks, please DO NOT attempt to work with us.

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© 2024 by mëik

2246 Lake Ave, Wilmette, IL 60091 USA

Levi Eshkol 4/2, Tel Aviv 6936511, Israel

Disclaimer – Be an intelligent human and make responsible choices. There are zero guarantees in life. Read our Terms of Service, Privacy Policy and Earnings Disclaimer before you make any financial or investment decisions.

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